“A smile for everyone!”

Humanitarian action during the winter holidays of the United Europe Association.


Christmas is a beautiful time of year, a time you spend with friends and family, and a time to charitable events.

“United Europe Association” organized during the holidays, humanitarian campaign “A smile for everyone” campaign that wanted to help Santa to get into  the houses of people in need.

The campaign was developed under this motto and it was held between 25.11.2013 – 12.24.2013 and included a total of 400 children, aged between 3 and 14 years, trying for a day so Santa to enjoy them and gives them each receive a gift.


Campania a avut loc in Judetul Bacau, in localitatile: Corbasca, Fulgeris, Tatarasti, Racaciuni si Pancesti. Zilele in care am desfasurat actiunea au fost pline de surprize si din partea celor mici, acestia asteptandu-l pe Mos Craciun cu entuziasm si plini de voie buna, ficare copil, fie ca era la gradinita sau la scoala, a incercat sa il suprinda placut pe Mosu cu o poezie sau un cantecel pentru al face pe acesta sa nu ii mai uite si sa incerce pe cat posibil sa le faca o bucurie cat de mica in fiecare an.P1090567

Emotionati, copiii, au cantat, au dansat, au recitat poezii si au promis ca anul viitor vor fi si mai cuminti si ca vor fi la fel de pregatiti pentru astfel de surprize.